Super Times...

Hello Assemblers,
*Sigh* That was a trying year to say the least. For my first blog post in 5 years, I promise not to dwell on the past and instead talk about a few positive outcomes.
I kept hearing the words "re-calibrate" this past year but didn't fully understand what that meant in my world. Then one day, it hit me. Looking back this previous year there were two things that made me really smile; Brewing Beer and Talking About Beer. I got into this business for the love of those two things, and prior to Covid, I rarely did either. Owning a small business, I began to be pulled in so many directions, the fire and passion I had at the start wasn't there. I went back to basics. Started from scratch. Brewed a bunch of research and development batches. Re-calibrated.
One of the fruits to come out of the previous year is a new series I'm extremely proud of. It's a new Hazy IPA series called Supernatural. Each beer is a superhero power. Our inaugural batch was "Invisibility". The creation of this new series highlighted lots of the r&d work we did on a small batch scale. Brewing became fun, exciting, and interesting again. Experimenting with different hop combinations and trying different brewing techniques were among the many things we played with.
Why did we name it the supernatural series? Because it almost felt like you had to have supernatural abilities to make it through the past year. So much heartache, disconnect, isolation, fear, danger, and uncertainty involved. I sometimes wished I could time travel or be indestructible. The fantasy of a superhero to come down and make everything ok wasn't a reality. But, what we are making now and what we have planned for the future of Unsung would not be possible had we not gone through the previous year. I'm hoping those who are reading this can relate to a positive change that came from the world "stopping" so sudden.
We intend to take nothing for granted going forward. We intend to enjoy every laborious minute crafting beer for you. Most importantly, we intend to march on with battle worn shield to guide us onward. Because with the click of the fingers, it can all be gone.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Brewery,
Mikie website is very cool. Beautiful. Dad and I love it!
Mike well said. proud of you
website is awesome, easy to migrate and clean